Aelion Games

Aelion Games

Aelion Games are coming: the greatest sporting event on the planet and the most important milestone in your athletes' career! Soon, thousands of spectators all over Aelion will hold their breath before their screens and watch the participants of different gods'Orders compete. Not only will every medal earned bring its winner the delight of victory, they will also bring glory and fame to the gods, on behalf of which the athletes compete. This year, the focus of the competition is on the airboard racing, held for the first time ever. This is a brand new extreme sporting event that was inspired by the creation of a new type of swift single-seater airboard and is now enjoying the peak of its popularity. Breakneck speeds, jumps from enormous heights with stunts all the way through—it's dangerous, but an exhilarating sight for sure. Airboard riders say that the true show of skill is flying like the immortals, whose example they try to follow. According to the sports reporters, the main contenders for the golden medals (the newest event included) are those adepts who see the motto "Faster! Higher! Stronger!" as their personal life's philosophy. Not only are your adepts eager to take part in the games, they keep their eyes on the golden prize.

Record Airboard

Record Flying Suit

X 2,000

Knowledge of Enemies

X 50,000


Premium subscription

X 2,000

Victor's Medals

X 5,000

Knowledge of Enemies

X 6,000

Victor's Medals

X 3

Premium subscription

X 12,000

Victor's Medals



The promotion runs from October 13th to October 26th.

To take part in the Aelion Games, open the special interface (accessible with 9 key).