20% Bonus Argents Sale - 08/25/2017

Feel like treating yourself, Immortal? Then it’s time to get more bang for your buck with yet another 20% argent top-up bonus! That’s right, from August 25th to August 28th (5:59am PDT), your first argent top-up will receive a delicious 20% boost, making sure you get all the argents you need (and then some).

Skyforge Bonus Argents

NOTE: Only your first top-up within the timeframe will be eligible for this fantastic bonus, so make sure to give it due thought before pressing that big red button – no subsequent purchases after your initial top-up will be eligible!

Once again, you’ll have until August 28th (5:59am PDT) to avail of this amazing deal – don’t miss it!

-The Skyforge Team
