Aelion Day 2019

The Immortals of Aelion have seen a thing or two. New challenges are unleashed upon the world every year with unmitigated destruction. Together, you have fought to keep the world safe from invading forces and stand united in the face of extreme adversity!


To honour this devotion to our homeworld, we are launching a 2 week long event celebrating Skyforge's anniversary on all three platforms - PC, PS4, and Xbox. All platforms will have their anniversaries converged into one event: Aelion Day!

Beginning on March 26 for PC, this time around, the world of Aelion will see brand new quests to check out! Keep an eye out for them, because there are some fantastic rewards to obtain! These include: The Arbiter Super Glider, the Arbiter Halo and the Aeli’s Seal Accessory!

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That’s not all! There are some awesome things to spend your Argents on! Check out what you can purchase:

Mount Skill Lootbox

You can purchase this loot box for 4,000 Argents. It has a chance to drop the following Book Skills:

  • Griffin’s Attack
  • Combat Animal
  • Missilery Basics
  • Moahsaur Herder’s Manual Dash
  • Hermes’s Flight Manual
  • Trewang Selection Guide: Dangerous Dash
  • Extreme Gardening Manual: Dash
  • Moahsaur Herder’s Manual: Acid
  • Animal Rrage
  • Trewang Selection Guide: Sharp Thorns
  • Extreme Gardening Manual: Pollination
  • Trewang Selection Guide: Improved Dash
  • Oceanid Antitank Projectile
  • Hermes’s Speed Manual
  • Offensive Maneuver

Gift Box

You can purchase this box for 550 Argents. Additionally, you can use these consumables to gift a box to another player, if you gift 10 Boxes, you unlock a Emote, the Box of Soap Bubbles. The box has a chance to drop one of the following items:

  • Credits
  • Knowledge of Enemies
  • Stimulants
  • Victor’s Medals
  • Aeli’s Legacy Headgear
  • Brigade Uniform
  • Divine Features: Tattoos
  • Aeli’s Legacy Halo
  • Portrait: “Day of Aelion”


Celebrate Skyforge with us and join every Capital and Cathedral in honoring Aelion Day!
