The Computing Power packs are now available


An Invasion of the Mechanoids has started. Their attacks are violent, focused, and steady. Fortunately, our planet has always been capable of confronting the enemy. Enemy attacks will crash into tremendously determined defenders and incredibly powerful war machine of Aelion!

From July 4 to 17 purchase new digital packs: get legendary Gunner and Witch weapons, as well as many other valuable resources with a discount. Packs are sold for Argents in the in-game Market.

Universal Equalizer Pack

Pack Content
1 Mainz, the Substantial Argument

medals 4000 Victor's Medals

stims 10 Stimulants

Magical Entropy Pack

Pack Content
2 Timor, the Duality of Nature

credits 500000 Credits

premium 14 DAYS Premium subscription

koe 5000 Knowledge of Enemies

Legendary Weapon Abilities

Timor, the Duality of Nature

  • Ranged Damage: 240%
  • Damage needed to break the Volatile Curse is reduced by half. The ability can be cast three times more often. The destroyed curse reduces cooldown duration of Racket of Crows by 2 minutes.

Mainz, the Substantial Argument

  • Ranged Damage: 240%
  • Mine Ring will be replaced with Integral Pulse, which deals damage to the target and allows to launch three missiles at once for some time. A missile launch may recharge Integral Pulse.
  • Machine Gun mode gives you a chance to restore an extra missile.

Not enough Argents to get the items you want? No problem! Just follow the link and top up now!


Happy shopping!

