Developer's Letter: Council of Gods

Two months ago, together with the Ascension update we announced a major innovation - the Council of Gods. It was due to come into the game in one of the first patches after the Ascension release, but the global update required urgent corrections and completion of work on the political system had to be postponed. This saved us from irreparable errors.


The excitement about the news of the Council of Gods, the many questions and wide interest in it has made us take a new look at the political system under development. "Does it meet the player expectations?, does it satisfy their requirements?" - we have asked ourselves questions likes these, evaluating the Council of Gods version to be introduced to the game. And the answers were not positive. We feel that the Council of Gods feature under development has not reached the level that players want. 

Therefore, we have been forced to make a difficult decision and the political system will be reviewed. The concept requires a serious rethink and many of the mechanisms will need to be redesigned from scratch. This means that the Council of Gods will not be arriving in the game soon. We are very sad that this innovation has to be postponed. But it is our desire to deliver well developed innovations that has made up our minds.


We plan to take some time-out with the development of the political system. Naturally, everyone wants to know when it will arrive. We can say that it will not be earlier than next year. Developers are currently completing work on other innovations that have been announced and working on improving the game according to player comments. Nevertheless, thanks to your questions and comments about the Council of Gods, we know what direction we need to follow to make the system truly entertaining. 

We invite all those interested in the fate of the political system to discuss this news on the forum. We hope you will share your ideas on the Council of Gods with us. We will certainly take them into account in our work.
