Introducing a new Hostile Territory - Magnican Lakes!

The heroes of Aelion tirelessly fight off countless invading armies and, while many monsters have been killed in these battles, the hunt continues. Hordes of enemies have settled within areas now deemed Hostile Territories and actively plunder the planet’s energy sources, Ether Resonators, located therein. With each invasion, Aelion’s scientists keep finding uninvited guests lingering within the boundaries new territories. Immortal protectors must now visit the Magnican Lakes where a Hostile Territory has been recently discovered. A gloomy swamp surrounded by a sparse autumn forest stretches under a cloudy sky. High humidity is perfect for poisonous Phytonides and the Oceanide creatures, so they have settled here in search of energy sources. Young gods will have to clear the territory of these invaders who are counting on easy prey.

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Immortals receive a reward for defeating monsters near resonators: Sparks of Revelation & Trophies of the invading armies. The further within the area your team goes, the stronger the enemies around the energy sources become as well as an increased chance of receiving “epic” quality trophy fragments.
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The Magnican Lakes are divided into four overland zones. Do not rush into this hostile territory if your character does not have enough Tactical Sense. Here you will need 3200, 3400, 3600, and 3900 Tactical Sense, respectively. The most dangerous enemies reside in the underground temple, made up of two levels, each with three floors. To defeat the monsters residing there, gods will need 3300, 3500, 3700, 3800, 4000 and 4100 Tactical Sense.
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As with Ontes Valley, each of the Magnican Lakes zones has four resonators. The leader of the invaders - a special boss - can be found in the center of the zone. If your group is lucky enough to find him before other players do, make sure to fight him. By killing this boss, you can complete the mission early.

We wish you luck in your battles!
