Invasion: Phytonides are coming


The Phytonide army is invading. Machavann's minions will be landing soon on the planet! Get ready to fight back.


Equipment generation: 13

Maximum Prestige: 193

Maximum rank of the Tower of Knowledge: 150

Maximum number of followers in the Cathedral: 250 000

Maximum Might from Bastions: 240 000

The Phytonide army is invading. The Templars are fighting the advance force of the enemy. They need your help. Join the fight and turn the green invaders into a fertilizer for the Aelion soil!


Machavann prepared well for the new invasion. The best soldiers of his army are attacking the planet. The great god of sentient plants wants to get revenge for old grievances and destroy all our technology. The young immortals will need to join forces if they wish to win this battle!

Prepare for a hard battle! Immortals can now access the first distortion of the enemy army and new difficulty levels of certain group adventures. New equipment generation and new Rebirth Flame are now available.

Aeli help us!


New difficulty levels will become available according to schedule. You can view it in the game, in the current invasion interface.

The invasion will gradually gain momentum. With the arrival of new bosses, new distortions and adventure difficulty levels will be unlocked, and players will get access to improved equipment.

In group adventures (with the exception of Hespilon Temple), you can receive rare and epic equipment. In distortions and squad adventures, 1 epic item per day is guaranteed. After that, both rare and epic items may drop. Adventure cards usually contain information about the kind of equipment you can get in there.

Another place where you can get equipment is invasion adventures. When you defeat a special troop, you will receive a chest that may contain rare, epic, and even mythical items of relevant generation (if the character's rank is equal to or higher than the special troop's rank). The item type depends on the stage of the invasion. The chest may contain only the equipment pieces that are currently available in adventures. Bosses in invasion adventures may drop these chests as well.


Players will have access to the champion and training versions of Machavann within the third week of the invasion. Experienced players can test their skills and obtain all six trophies, while novices will get a chance to earn their first Avatar Trophy. Training will be available to groups of 5 characters.

Detailed information about rewards for killing the avatar will be published on this page when the avatar arrives.


Special adventures become available to immortals during invasions. They differ depending on the invading army, giving young gods a chance to test their skills in new conditions and unique combat situations. These adventures are also very picturesque and atmospheric.

  • Lending a Hand — April 11.

  • Infected Territories — April 11.

  • Crashed Aircraft — April 14.

  • Crash Site — April 18.

  • Defense of Fortifications — April 21.

  • Abandoned Fort Garune — April 25.

  • Phytonide Flagship — May 2.
