MY.GAMES Market: Greenwood Box & Surf's Up Box

We’re constantly updating and expanding the features of MY.GAMES Market, your one-stop shop for all the best deals on in-game items and bundles for MY.GAMES titles. Today, we’d like to tell you a little about the latest additions to MY.GAMES Market: Special Crates and Stickers!

Special Crates are loaded with unique cosmetic and consumable contents, and they can be bought for a single low price that doesn’t change, regardless of the contents within. Don’t worry, you’re not going in blind! You can see a Special Crate’s potential contents by clicking its icon on MY.GAMES Market, and you can see exactly what’s in your Special Crate by clicking the ‘Open’ button.

Contents will remain the same until you make a purchase – the Special Crate will then refresh, and you’ll be able to get a totally new one. Special Crates can also include exclusive collectible Stickers from your favourite games that can’t be found anywhere else!

Speaking of, Stickers are an amazing way to show your appreciation for your friends – and maybe even your rivals! Buy exclusive stickers from the Gift Store and individual games’ Market sections, then send them to yourself or your friends to display with pride in MY.GAMES Profiles. They’re purely cosmetic, and while each Sticker can only be used once, you can buy as many as you want of each Sticker and they won’t expire or disappear unless you wish to remove them.

Our Special Crates for Skyforge this time are the Greenwood Box and the Surf's Up Box.

They contain one of the following items:
Value gb Greenwood Box sub Surf's Up Box
Legendary candidate Candidate Costume ec Elegant Costume
Legendary glorios Glorios neon Neon Super Glider
Legendary classtoken Class Token pod Path of Dawn Armor (white)
Legendary repli 100 Eidos Replicators repli 100 Eidos Replicators
Rare credits 10,000,000 Credits vm 20,000 Victor's Medals
Rare repli 10 Eidos Replicators repli 10 Eidos Replicators
Uncommon mok 50 Marks of the King mok 50 Marks of the King
Uncommon mos 50 Marks of the Sage mos 50 Marks of the Sage
Uncommon moj 50 Marks of the Judge moj 50 Marks of the Judge
Uncommon moa 50 Marks of the Assassin moa 50 Marks of the Assassin
Common vm 500 Victor's Medals vm 500 Victor's Medals
Common koe 3,000 Knowledge of Enemies koe 3,000 Knowledge of Enemies
Common argents 2,000 Argents argents 2,000 Argents
Common argents 400 Argents argents 400 Argents
Common vm 200 Victor's Medals vm 200 Victor's Medals
Common credits 50,000 Credits credits 50,000 Credits
Common da Divine Amulet da Divine Amulet
Special hol Halo of Love hol Halo of Love
Special flamesofkir Flames of Kir flamesofkir Flames of Kir
Special petthecat Pet the cat pirate Pirate
Special home No place like home aparty A party?

Check out Special Crates and Stickers on MY.GAMES Market today!


Important: This offer is not available in France, Belgium, or The Netherlands.
