Overgrowth PTS Announcement

With the release of the Overgrowth update, we have added new adventure difficulties, a brand new achievement system, and the Grovewalker class! We’re pretty excited! If these features excite you as much as they do us, get ready for the initial public testing session and join us in exploring the new features of Aelion before they officially become available on both PC and Console!

The Public Testing Session will open April 6th and end on April 11th.

To join the Public Testing Server: launch the My.com Game Center, log into your Skyforge account, locate the "Game Directory" menu and select the “Skyforge PTS” option from the list. Download!

If you don't see the entry or can't start the download, please restart the my.com Game Center and try again.

PTS is currently not available on Steam.


If you encounter errors during the sign-up process, open the Game Center settings and click “delete temporary Game Center files”. Download, reinstall the client, log back into Skyforge and click “Play”.

Players in the testing server should focus their efforts on:

  • The new class
  • The new adventure difficulties
  • The Achievement System

Feedback should be provided by players on the PTS by going to http://go.sf.my.com/FeedbackHub. Fill out the Skyforge PC feedback form, detail as much information as possible, and submit!
Sign up for the PTS, and we’ll see you there!
