Pantheon Wars Season 4 – Conclusion

Weapons down, immortals – the battle is over and the Pantheon Wars have now been resolved!

We’d like to give a respectful salute to all the immortal men and women who braved the dangers of Aelion’s arenas, especially those who conquered their way toward top-spots.

The winning pantheons are:


Rank 1 Misfits


Rank 2 Excessum


Rank 3 Nobody Cares



Rank 1 Exile


Rank 2 Chromatic


Rank 3 Elysium


NOTE: If you are on the above list, please get in touch with the community team or an elder guardian and inform us of which module you wish to claim as your prize!

In return for their valiant efforts, these top-3 winners will be able to choose a Hyperion Module! A fantastic opportunity for everyone.

Available modules:

Perfect Cover 2.0 Auxiliary Support Module
For the lease duration: removes the shared cooldown limitation for the Perfect Cover module.

Final Verdict Auxiliary Support Module
For the lease duration: improves the Verdict ability, increasing the activation rate of its effects by 50%.

Classifier Storage Module
For the lease duration: there is a 10% chance that bonuses on equipment received will be 20% greater (the bonus cannot exceed the maximum available stats for its quality). The effect stacks with the bonus from Luck Catcher.

  • Applies to jewelry and Stones of Power.
  • Does not affect the equipment already owned.
  • Only one such module can be leased at a time.

Crusade Support Module
For the lease duration: increases the efficiency of Divine Healing by 25%, and prolongs immunity to control effects granted by Willpower by 20%. It also reduces the cooldown of both abilities two times.

Terminator Support Module
For the lease duration: protects against finishing strikes. Your critical attacks on other immortals or strong monsters have a chance of reducing the remaining cooldown of divine ultimate abilities by 3 seconds.


The Pantheon Banner

We’d like to tell you about a unique reward that our heroes will enjoy, the Pantheon Banner. It's a stand-alone activated ability, which, in a few updates, will be delivered to top-10 Pantheon members based on the results of season 4 of Pantheon Wars.

The Banner will help Pantheon members receive extra rewards in adventures, boosts in regions, accelerated ether mining in Hostile Territories, and a lot of other things! Upon activation of this ability on an adventure, an assisting Banner-bearer appears, carrying your glorious Banner behind you throughout the adventure. In every region, a Banner of the Pantheon that owns the region will appear for any character to use them. Besides, you will be able to place the Banner on the ground in a region for your nearest allies to receive Banner-related bonuses.

Every pantheon member will be able to activate the Banner, but the number of uses will be limited: 1 to 3 uses, depending on the current Pantheon rank. For the first few weeks, only Pantheon War winners will be able to use the Banner. After this period, this ability will be available to all Pantheons of rank 20 or higher.
