Promo – Wardens of Elements

With Valentine’s Day over and the Phytonide invasion well underway, the residents of Aelion returned to normality – or at least tried to. If the recent threats weren’t enough, rumor has it an expedition has recently gone missing during their investigation into an ancient legend – one that could spell danger for Aelion itself if left unchecked.

After uncovering new evidence of this potential threat, Doctor Nimue – head of the expedition – and his entire research team have since gone missing, though not before leaving behind various photos and clues, the most mysterious being pictures of strange looking humans encased in dark, tribal, feathered attire that had never been seen before… And scarier still were their mounts – giant, intimidating, black feathered Griffon’s straight out of a twisted fairy-tale…


We call upon you and your adepts to investigate the situation as part of the Warden of Elements promotion, running from the 22nd of February to the 8th of March. Stock up on provisions and get ready to delve into this great mystery, Immortals, for persistence will lead to unique rewards – from precious medals and premium time, to credits, knowledge of enemies, or even your very own Black Griffon mount. Those who uncover the entire mystery can also get their hands on the complete Warden of Element Attire, an exclusive costume fit only for a true Guardian of the Elements.

Need more information? Then check out our Guardian Page for all the juicy details!

  • The Skyforge Team