History of Aelion: Veines Panoramic Preview

We’re excited to present a small preview of Veines, a once peaceful town on Aelion nestled in a valley and surrounded by dense forests and steep cliffs. We’ve prepared another spectacular 3D panorama of the area!


Unfortunately, our tour of Veines has not begun under the best of circumstances: as the city and its environs are under attack by the Reapers of Death. Cut off from the rest of the world, the city of Veines has found itself an easy target for these forces. They’ve already besieged the city and have begun to ravage the neighboring villages, killing any locals unlucky enough to escape. Reapers of Death have never been known to show mercy, instead choosing to speak through a language of force.

The Death Army’s bloodthirsty Carrions and disgusting rat-like Virds have managed to weave their way through an underground network of burrows and tunnels, allowing them to mount surprise attacks which the resident defenders of the city have had no way to counter. Dealing with these merciless invaders and protecting the civilians is clearly a duty and responsibility that only Aelion’s Immortals are capable of fulfilling.


Most of the residents from Veines’ farms, hunting grounds, forests and fields have had enough time to flee to the city and seek shelter in the areas still held by the Templars. Some have even hid on a cliff near where a statue of the God Ianna was erected. However, many residents of Veines have suffered a tragic fate – having been brutally murdered by bloodthirsty creatures right on their very own doorsteps. As an Immortal, you will need to help the vanguard of the divine forces stop these monsters from claiming new victims!

Valiant Immortals will need to clear the way to the city, locate the place within the nearby ancient ruins where the Virds prepare for their assaults, and face new opponents – the treacherous Gorgonides who’ve taken advantage of the situation and managed to sneak into the city. Accompanied by battle Vipers and Hydras, these Gorgonides have captured one of the city’s districts and, by the looks of things, are now actively trying to forge an alliance with the Reapers of Death.


You as an Immortal are tasked with finding out who or what is behind these events, and of course, prevent some of the most vicious enemies of Aelion from joining forces!
