The Skyforge NA/EU servers will be taken offline Wednesday, February 24th at 1am PST (10am CET) for weekly maintenance.
Please find specific details pertaining to the maintenance below:
The purpose of taking the servers offline is to perform weekly maintenance, implement fixes and localization tweaks.
Patch Notes
► The Pantheon Wars are back on track after a well deserved week long break. We'll be extending the Season by one week to make up for said break. No progress has been lost.
► Localisation has been updated; the descriptions of Legendary Rings in particular should be clearer.
Legendary Rings:
► Adept mission to upgrade legendary rings now costs 10,000 Credits instead of 100 Fluids of Incarnation.
► 10-man raid adventures now grant the following amount of Fluids of Incarnation:
Adventure | Fluids |
Isabella - Scouting | 3 |
Isabella - Attack | 4 |
Medea - Attack | 4 |
Medea - Storm | 5 |
► Daily PvP quests now grant more Fluids of Incarnation, with a minimum of at least 3.
► Legendary Rings can now be disassembled into stones.
Approx. ~2 hours
Affected Users
During the maintenance, the Skyforge servers will be inaccessible to all players.
While waiting, why not catch the latest news about Skyforge or chat with other players via the Aelinet!