The Skyforge EU/NA servers will be taken offline Wednesday, November 18th for weekly maintenance at 1:00am PST (10:00am CEST).
Please find specific details pertaining to the maintenance below:
The purpose of taking the servers offline is to perform weekly maintenance, implement new items and continue localization support.
Patch Notes
- If you have unlocked your divine form, you will now acquire “Reinforced Ether Barrier: Mechanoid” through the Hall of Greatness by collecting your daily followers gifts. They are powerful enough to give you a chance to defeat the Avatar!
The “Reinforced Ether Barrier: Mechanoid” items do not need to be spent immediately and can be stockpiled until you’re ready to face the Avatar.
Note that this is an exceptional help in the fight against the mechanoid Avatar, this is not a permanent feature.
- Two new nodes in the Divine Atlas have been added, called Secret Research. Unlocking them requires 10 Sparks of Divinity.
Each of these Secret Research nodes will unlock an adept invasion mission granting 10 Secret Knowledge valuables (for a total of 20 Secret Knowledge valuables per missions reset). Once you unlock the Secret Research node, you will have to wait until the next automatic Adept Mission Update for the quest to populate in the available mission list.
Once you've earned 1 400 Secret Knowledge valuables, you can unlock one the following Divine Specializations:
- God of Knowledge
- God of Travels
Note: these specializations cannot be unlocked using a Divine Revelation anymore, the Secret Knowledge replaces them.
- Many classes (Alchemist, Knight, Berserker, Gunner, Kinetic, Necromancer, Slayer, Witch) were not displaying some of their abilities in their respective slots in the "Abilities and Talents" interface (the skills were still displayed properly once in the world). This has been fixed.
- Continued localization fixes (VO included). In particular, several subtitles for cut scenes were still in Russian in the Divine Ceremony, and this has been fixed.
Approx. ~4 hours
Affected Users
During the maintenance, the Skyforge servers will be inaccessible to all players.
While waiting, why not catch the latest news about Skyforge or chat with other players via the Aelinet!