The universe of Skyforge is made up of thousands and thousands of worlds. Each of them is unique, but they all have one thing in common. Each world's inhabitants worship their patron gods, and the power of these gods depends directly on the faith of their follower's.
Aelion, one of Skyforge's most beautiful and amazing planets, is named after its great god and protector, Aeli. The world was safe under his reign until the unimaginable happened: Aeli disappeared. How this came to pass is still a mystery.
Without their mighty defender, Aelion and its unprotected inhabitants appeared helpless to invaders from other worlds. Countless armies of hideous creatures have tried to claim Aelion. Each attack destroys countless lives. Each leaves its mark on the planet.
Many brave warriors have fallen in battle defending their world. But death has no hold over the special few, immortal heroes, who return time after time to stand for their planet. Aelion's heroes are worshiped for their sacrifices, and this faith endows them with god-like powers. Are you ready to join the ranks of these immortal heroes? Are you strong enough to overcome all perils and take your place among the gods?
Only those who have signed up for the beta may defend Aelion! Be sure to like our Facebook page , follow us on Twitter or join our Google+ page so you never miss any Skyforge news or announcements.