UPDATE: The maintenance is completed and the servers are back online. Have fun on Aelion!
The Skyforge EU/NA servers will be taken offline Wednesday, April 26th at 1:00am PDT for weekly maintenance.
Please find specific details pertaining to the maintenance below:
Patch Notes
- Using a Hyperion Module Lease Contract extends the lease duration for already leased modules (before, the lease timers did not stack).
- Perfect Cover is now triggered only for characters who have activated the appropriate module.
- Fixed the issue where a character in divine form with unlocked God’s Will did not have a shortened cooldown for changing classes after switching to Outlaw.
- Fixed the error where survivors would be missing in the adventure if the player enters it again right after finishing it.
- Added a progress bar for the Tower of Knowledge.
- Fixed the issue where after completing certain quests, the list of rewards displayed information about new followers and Aelerium-9 when, in fact, there was none.
- Players who have no access to operations yet can no longer see Operation Priority in the adventure list.
- Fixed the issue where the Cathedral’s bonus reducing the ultimate abilities’ cooldown would not affect the cooldown of Fire Frenzy.
- Fixed the bug that prevented the cooldown of Shield of the Banished from working correctly.
- Fixed the issue where the Archer would sometimes get stuck in animation after using Burning Rapid Fire.
- Griffins and Manned Modules should now correctly react to low gravity.
- When digging into the ground, Kairax should now correctly drag one of immortals with it.
- Changed the damage from Aelerium pools - base damage has been reduced, but damage over time has been increased. Watch your feet!
- Fixed the issue where meteorites were absent when the boss was invulnerable.
- The duration of invulnerability has been reduced from 5 minutes to 3.
- Worked on fixing the issue where some characters did not receive memory blocks when killing Helicers. The problem should be resolved now.
Flavius's Laboratory
- The Mechanoids from Thea are now also counted in quests where you need to kill the Mechanoids.
Nerion's Castle
- Fixed the issue where the option to blind Nerion would not be triggered correctly.
- Fixed the issue where certain companions caused unnecessary visual effects to appear on Berserkers.
- Fixed the bug where a character could summon Trifolium without putting their weapons away.
- Corrected the visual effect of Dash for female Outlaws on Thea-1 Manned Space Module.
- Fixed some visual effects for the Machavann’s Guard weapon.
- Fixed animations for companion Rey.
Follower Compensation
Dear players,
We have been applying fixes to the follower system in the past weeks and we continue working on improving the system now. However, for a time there was a vulnerability and some players managed to get an unfair advantage over others.
Because of this, everyone who made more than 16.000 followers in the Cathedral from gathering survivors, will have their extra might and followers removed and converted into faith at a rate of 500 = 100 followers to faith.
The purpose of taking the servers offline is to perform weekly maintenance, fixes and localization tweaks.
Approx. ~4 hours
Affected Users
During the maintenance, the Skyforge servers will be inaccessible to all players.
While waiting, why not catch the latest news about Skyforge or chat with other players via the Aelinet!