We’re happy to announce yet another discount-sale. From the 1st to the 8th of November (1am PDT), all Immortals will have the chance to secure bundles of one of the most valuable currencies at up to 50% off the standard price – an extremely useful deal for those looking to improve their character’s efficiency and make their life on Aelion far more comfortable.
Knowledge of Enemies is a vital resource that allows you to upgrade your Tower of Knowledge, thus giving you the means to increase your character’s base stat: Might. The higher its value, the more efficient your capabilities of handling the challenges that beset you in Aelion. Don’t forget that you can also unlock a new class using Knowledge of Enemies, and that many of the Trophy Hall promotions also increase your character’s Might boost from the Tower of Knowledge at a drastic rate. The higher the stat, the further its boost!
Item | Argent Price | Discount |
SmallCollection of Knowledge | 1,350 | 30% |
Collection of Knowledge | 4,800 | 40% |
Large Collection of Knowledge | 11,950 | 50% |
The sale will end in one week – don’t miss it!
Not enough Argents to get the items you want? No problem! Just follow the link and top up now!
-The Skyforge Team