The Technical Beta Weekend Has Ended!

Skyforge’s Technical Beta Weekend has officially ended! Thanks again to all those who headed the call and joined us for a weekend of bug smashing and exploration! Over the coming weeks, the dev team will be compiling all the bug reports and discussing your feedback internally. Soon after we will share what we’ve learned and divulge some of the highlights moments from this weekend’s test!

If you weren’t able to join us this weekend, don’t worry! There will be plenty of opportunities coming up where you’ll have a chance to help us test new content in Skyforge as we continue working towards Skyforge’s official launch in 2015.

With all the noise this week’s technical test created, you may have missed out on some of our other announcements, including a special beta edition Dev Q&A and Skyforge’s first Producer’s Letter.

In other non-beta related news, be sure to check out this week’s Skyforge Fan-Art brought to you by community member Kempache. Below you’ll find his depiction of what an Immortal Lumberjack might look like in Skyforge. May the trees tremble in his divine presence!


Make sure you join the community so you never miss the latest Skyforge news and announcements. You can join our Facebook page, Follow us on Twitter or Subscribe to our YouTube channel. And don't forget to sign up for the beta!
