Creating a location is not an easy process, but it is an interesting one. Today we would like to show you how the Infected Territories adventure came to be. Infected Territories is a special PvE Adventure for 3 players and is available only during Phytonide Invasions. It is here, in a secluded corner of the planet, intelligent plants settled and began to infect the surrounding area with their pollen.
The developers faced the task of conveying the harsh impact the Phytonides have on Aelion. Not just the invasion, but the resulting infection they bring as well. The zone needed to be populated with unique creatures that could reliably blend into the surrounding area. This is how the Phytomorphs came about - huge alien plants whose pollen is deadly to humans, even in the smallest amounts, and can be borne great distances by the wind. The players’ task is to eliminate the Phytomorph before it can successfully blossom.
When gameplay was ready, tested, and verified the designers started to piece the map together. But what setting to choose? By the time players come across the Infected Territories, they have already seen Phytonides at the factory and on the islands, so it was time to think of something new. That is how the idea of using a fall landscape arose. Later, however, the setting was changed to an alpine landscape as we had not yet used this combination before and it fit the original idea quite well. At the early stages of location development, it is not unusual for the content to be remade from scratch and improved - it is all part of the process.
As you can see, at this stage of development the territory changed several times:
Click the images below to expand them and watch the Adventure evolve over time.
This is how the game got a new and interesting location where you can test you combat skills against devious invaders. Stay tuned - there is much more behind the scenes information to come in the future!