Winter Celebration
Today is the last day of the Winter Celebrations: Don't waste a minute and head up to the Market to obtain the Snowy Ghal mount, Fireworks, Alternate Class Headwear, and even the coveted New Year Costume!
The Skyforge NA/EU servers will be taken offline Wednesday, January 13th at 1am PST for weekly maintenance at
Please find specific details pertaining to the maintenance below:
The purpose of taking the servers offline is to perform weekly maintenance, implement fixes & new items, and end the Winter Celebrations.
Patch Notes
- The Winter Celebrations are now over, though we're sure Asterius will make it possible to bring them back next year!
- The Silver league rewards issue is now fixed.
- The Rating PVP rewards issue is fixed.
- Only the first 10 pantheons in the Qualifications phase can now bet in the Golden League.
Approx. ~4 hours
Affected Users
During the maintenance, the Skyforge servers will be inaccessible to all players.
While waiting, why not catch the latest news about Skyforge or chat with other players via the Aelinet!