Greetings Immortals,
Yesterday, the Skyforge team began noticing players were experiencing queues, drop outs, and a significant amount of lag while connected to the North American Skyforge server. Upon investigating, we found this high server load was inadvertently being caused by a buildup of internal server database requests due to the large number of players connecting to Skyforge. This problem wasn’t immediately noticeable, but quickly built up overtime as more players entered the game throughout the day, causing the servers to overload. While we’re extremely excited that so many of you have taken an interest in Skyforge, the current stability of our servers is simply not acceptable.
To combat this, over the next few days we’ll be implementing several large upgrades to our servers in order to alleviate these connectivity issues. The first step was to complete a maintenance today, already completed, with a server-side patch to reduce some of the load off of some of the databases. We are also working on setting up additional server hardware over the next few days.
Until these upgrades are complete, players may experience occasional queues while attempting to sign into Skyforge. After these issues have been resolved, we’ll be awarding everyone with a special in-game gift to thank players for their ongoing patience and understanding as the team weathers these growing pains.
Thank you once again for your continued support.
Aaron “Legatus” Biedma
Producer – My.com
***Update: As of Friday afternoon, 7/24, we had added both software and hardware updates on the server side. The North American server is now looking and acting much more healthy and able to handle more users. We have added 3 days of Premium account status, as a first step, to all accounts that were made as of 7/24. Once we have some additional server data/analysis done we will see if additional action is needed. Thanks for your patience during this time!