In Learn the Basics: Hyperion Modules, we went into how the first set of Hyperion modules will be chosen and by whom. The top three Pantheons, according to combined Member Prestige, will be the ones to pick which modules are installed on Hyperion first.
Please note that we exclude members that have been inactive for more than seven days, and members that joined the Pantheon less than seven days prior to us pulling the rankings. With this in mind, the top three Pantheons are:
- Immortals Of Aelion
- Epic
- Revolt.
As well as the modules, these Pantheons will also pick which Aelerium-9 class talents will be on discount, the talents they pick will be able to be purchased by all Immortals at a 90% discount! The top Pantheon will be able to pick three classes which will have discounted talents, the second Pantheon will pick two and the third place Pantheon will pick one class.
If you are a Commander or Founder of one of the above Pantheons (this will be checked), please send in a general support ticket by May 2 at 23:59 CEST (2:59 p.m. PDT), with your choice of a single module and the class talent discount(s) you desire. The available modules are here, and class talents here.
Please also keep in mind that the modules that are picked are the ones that will be available for rent for all immortals, so coordinate between the Pantheons to make sure you pick different ones!