
Immortals Rejoice - Your adventures will soon begin! The first Skyforge Technical Beta Weekend begins on Thursday, November 13th!
Feast your eyes on stunning new art, browse the community comic contest winners and find out how you can win a beta key in this edition of Week in Review!
A few weeks ago we introduced you to the Orders of Aelion, where you learned about your most loyal followers called adepts. These adepts are more than your biggest followers; they’re a major source of your personal power and utilizing them to their fullest will be the key to maximizing your potential as a god.
Oh, what’s this? Yet another beta key contest? Yep, we’re back in the saddle and ready to introduce you to our Skyforge "Photoshop” competition where you can enter for a chance to win one of twenty Skyforge Closed Beta keys!
Last week saw the arrival of an all new Skyforge beta key contest! Find out how you can enter and check out some of our newly revealed concept art....
Last week we revealed the final source of power for Immortals, their loyal followers and adepts! Here is a summary of everything we discussed last week...
Every god needs followers and the celestial beings of Skyforge are no exception. In this article you will learn what those orders are, why you need them and how to deal with your adepts.
New concept art, new fan art, an interview with the Development Director and Skyforge wins two awards at Igromir 2014. You'll find all of this in this edition of the Week in Review!
Igromir is Russia's largest Video Game Expo and Skyforge was there! Congratulations to the team for winning the Best MMORPG of the Igromir and Best Russian Game awards!
Discover all the latest Skyforge news & announcements from the past seven days including the first details on the massive Invasions in Skyforge and new fanart from the community!


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