Unusual Platforms
The platform is covered with Phytonide poison, but there are ether platforms hovering above it. They are very unstable and can hold only one immortal no longer than 25 seconds, and cannot hold more than one. When a platform is destroyed, it will appear in the same place again.
Nephelis himself is standing in the center on a bigger, more stable platform.
Instability Wave
From time to time, all platforms are destroyed, starting with those furthest away from the boss. The platforms are restored 10 seconds later.
Spiked Roots
Roots occasionally appear on Nephelis's platform. They immobilize characters and deal damage over time to them. The roots can be destroyed. Up to five roots can appear at a time.
Deadly Swing
Nephelis swings and strikes at the area in front of him. Everyone hit by the attack is knocked away from the boss.
Cooldown: 40 seconds.
Nephelis disarms one or several immortals and throws their weapons to one of the far platforms.
Cooldown: 40 seconds.
Poisonous Glade
Nephelis digs himself into the ground and grows lots of poisonous flowers. The flowers explode and hit everyone on the boss's platform. The characters will be disoriented and will take damage over time for 15 seconds.
Cooldown: 35 seconds.
The Entid snatches several immortals in front of himself and devours them. If a taunting ability is used, it can make him spit his victims out.
Cooldown: 35 seconds.
Platform Destruction
Nephelis sends flowers to the platforms that he is facing at the time. The flowers cause fractures in the platforms and make them collapse.
Cooldown: 40 seconds.
Wood Trap
Nephelis selects one or several immortals on the platforms and summons roots around them, creating impassable barriers. To escape, you need to destroy the roots.
Cooldown: 35 seconds.
Final Backup
When Nephelis has a small amount of health left, he summons three Dryads. Each Dryad maintains the shield on the boss that absorbs damage. The more Dryads keep the shield active, the more damage it can absorb. If a Dryad dies, she drops a spark particle. If you pick it up, the character gains an effect for 5 seconds. If you pick another particle, the duration of the effect is refreshed. If the character picks up 3 sparks before the effect runs out, they gain their divine form. If a spark reaches Nephelis, it restores a certain amount of his health.
Cooldown: 60 seconds.