
Showcase your godlike prowess during our Fury of the Immortal Community PvP Event for a chance to earn a rare Forum Title!
The Skyforge developers have heard the community's initial feedback from the Closed Beta and are here to provide an overview on what changes to Skyforge’s features will be implemented!
We've revealed all thirteen classes available to players in Skyforge at launch! With so many versatile options to choose from, there's bound to be a class that fits your play style!
The Skyforge Closed Beta Test 2 has officially begun! Join your fellow immortals in-game as you continue your journey across Aelion once more!
Join the Skyforge team once again on Twitch as they shine some informative light on the “Lightbinder” and illuminate the treacherous path through Thetin Rift.
We are very excited to present another character class in Skyforge – The Lightbinder! Capable of destroying their enemies and aiding allies in the frenzy of battle!
The Skyforge team wanted to share just a handful of the amazing videos created by the community during the Closed Beta Test 1!
Our first Closed Beta Test has come to a close, but the team is happy to announce the second Closed Beta Test is set to arrive next week!
Join the Skyforge team on Twitch as they explore more group adventures in CBT1 and answer the community's questions!
In celebration of the Skyforge Closed Beta Test, we're giving the community a chance to gain instant access to the Skyforge CBT by taking a photo of the official logo in an interesting location found in real life!


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