
Here's your chance to catch up on all the latest Skyforge reveals from last week, including our 3D panorama reveal of the open world zone Naori Island and the latest art from the Skyforge team and members of the community!
Today we invite you to take a tour of another one of Skyforge's open areas, Naori Island! Once a peaceful tropical resort, the island is now under attack and in desperate need of assistance.
Last week we unveiled the history behind the iconic Skyforge symbol, which ties Aelion’s past with Skyforge’s present day. Here’s a quick recap of all the latest news plus this week’s community fan-art!
There are many Aelion symbols. The oldest of them, the symbol that represents the Celestial Fortress was and remains the most famous of them all, symbolizing the prevented destruction of Aelion.
Browse all the latest Skyforge news and announcements from the past week, including the newly unveiled Berserker class, our Aelion's Treasure mini-game, plus new fan-art from the community!
Future Immortals of Aelion, we're inviting you to try your luck at Aelion’s Treasure for a chance to win fantastic prizes, including a closed beta key!
Today, we’ll be taking a look at one of the classes that you can unlock later in the game – the Berserker. A ruthless warrior, the Berserker knows neither fear nor pity and cannot imagine a day without a savage battle.
We've combed through the mountains of data from our first Technical Beta Weekend and pulled together a few of the more interesting beta stats for you to digest!
Skyforge’s Technical Beta Weekend has officially ended! With all the noise this week’s technical test created, you may have missed out on some of our other announcements...
We've rounded up the most interesting questions posed by players on our forums and had the Skyforge developers answer them!


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