We are happy to announce that the Ascension Update has been installed on the game server. This is the start of a great journey, in which difficult battles with powerful bosses await, along a struggle for power in the Council of Gods and many more interesting events!
Skyforge's Ascension is a game, filled with the most diverse adventures, which will bring plenty of enjoyment thanks to an incredibly dynamic combat system.
What was added to the game in this update?
The game has added a demo version of the Council of Gods - a unique political system that allows players to elect 12 leaders, who will gain power over the community. The first elections start today! Game characters you are well familiar with have put themselves forward as candidates. Visit the Divine Observatory to find out who they are!
You will receive a special ballot when you first enter the game. Give it to the hologram of your selected candidate. Do they have the best program and should form part of the council? Then encourage other players to vote for them! After all, the directives you receive will be chosen by the council members.
The avatar of the great god of the Oceanids has arrived in Aelion. He is fierce and dangerous and you absolutely must defeat him. Tol-Monter is a formidable adversary. Before fighting him personally, junior gods can expect many challenges! As many of you already know, the avatar has 2 incarnations: champion - which is already available and training, which you can only visit if you receive a special directive that comes on Thursdays and Sundays.
More about Tol-Monter.
Read more about the other Ascension features in the following articles:
- Divine Specializations
- Pantheons
- New Values
- Operations and Adventures
- New Combat System
- Equipment
- Invasions
- The Outlaw
- Orders
- Progression Campaign
- Character Development
Onwards to the Ascension, immortals!